
Bachelor of Arts in 剧院 (BA) | Bachelor of Science in 剧院 | 剧院小


The theatre program at Grand Valley offers students a flexible, practical education in the theatrical arts. The program prepares students for careers in the entertainment industry and for careers that require skills in creativity, 协作, 通信, 和解决问题. It provides professional orientation and background within a broad liberal arts framework.











The theatre program provides quality student centered education and performance experiences within 大峡谷州立大学’s liberal 教育环境. The theatre program enables students to fully explore their potential as productive, literate, articulate, humane, and culturally engaged members of a global public through a close study of theatre theory and practice. 学生s so educated are able to bring highly developed aesthetic and critical skills, flexibility, and creativity to a wide range of graduate school and career opportunities.

学生s may use the major as a preparation for graduate or professional work; the required courses provide basic training in essential theatre areas, and students planning to pursue more advanced work should take well-chosen electives in areas designed to increase 特殊技能. All theatre majors are required to participate in university theatre productions as actors, designers, production technicians and managers; academic credit is given for all such 参与. The program also supports students pursuing regional, national, and international internships as managers, publicists, technicians, and production assistants with major professional 剧院和艺术组织. 剧院 courses from overseas schools can substitute for GVSU theatre requirements for those students 从事国际研究.

课程 目录:戏剧,文学学士/学士 学生 Learning Outcomes: 剧院, BA/BS 

未成年人必须 complete 20 hours of theatre coursework. 未成年人必须 complete one course in the design/tech/management area, one in the theatre studies area, and one in the performance area. 其中大部分 select courses also serve as prerequisite courses for more advanced 戏剧研究. 未成年人必须 complete additional courses in any theatre area to fulfill the 20 hours minimum credit requirement.

课程 辅修戏剧



Each year, our department presents four Mainstage productions, as 还有很多特别的活动. All production roles are open to all GVSU students.

演员: Audition notices will be posted here as they 可用.


技术人员/船员: 请发邮件表示您的兴趣 给克里斯·马尔曼 (电子邮件保护)

We conduct scholarship auditions at 密歇根 Thespians Festival and 我们的年度 戏剧的一天

The Grand Valley Shakespeare Festival is 密歇根's oldest and largest Shakespeare Festival, having operated annually since 1993. More than 6,000 patrons attend our Festival activities each season, which include mainstage performances of the Bard's works, high school touring shows, workshops, new plays projects, symposia with visiting scholars, an all-campus student art competition, a Renaissance 节日和其他活动. 

For more information, head over to the GVSF website at 博天堂官方.edu/shakes.

反应! 反暴力同侪教育 组: 反应! 执行现场场景和使用 interactive theatre methods, with GVSU 学生演员s on the GVSU campus, which aim to help prevent incidents of dating and domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in a college-age population.  Audience members explore how they can engage in realistic, safe, and effective methods of preventing violence.  反应! is the product of a partnership between GVSU’s Women’s Center and the Department of 音乐, 剧院, and 跳舞, and is funded by the Office 对妇女的暴力行为,美国.S. 律政司. 自 集团于2010年首演, 反应!专业同行 theatre educators have performed for thousands of college students and social service providers across the state of 密歇根. 请联系 Dr. 阿莱梅茨 about the process of becoming a 反应! 学生演员.


In addition to our department's theatre season, there are always student-run projects on campus looking for actors, directors, writers, 剧院技术人员. We post these opportunities as they come in 到我们的剧院黑板网站. If you would like to be added to the 剧院 Blackboard site, please email Bridgett at (电子邮件保护)




There are no upcoming MTD 事件 at this time


The 剧院 Program is part of the Department of 音乐, 剧院, and 跳舞. 

音乐系, 剧院, and 跳舞 belongs to the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, a student-centered and diverse learning community that engages in critical inquiry, extending knowledge to enrich and enliven individual and public life. 欲知详情,请浏览 博天堂官方.edu/clas/.

Page last modified November 10, 2023